Tuesday, February 20

Piano Virtuoso!

Last night, we pulled out Lynn's piano keyboard that she had back in Europe. Let him play it for a while. I've included the video below. I love it at the end where he points out to his fans, Like a true rock star!

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Tomorrow is my birthday, today being the last day that I could climb on the total body elliptical at the Y and enter my age as 32. Guess it will be easier tomorrow, just pressing the same button twice. I guess we'll find out, eh?

TAking tomorrow off from work, to celebrate. We are planning on going to Chuckee Cheese for lunch (more for NAte's benefit, instead of mine), hopeing to wear him down. Then after dinner, I'm having a few friends over for dessert. Should be a fun experience.

Strange thing tonight. our Mail didn't come until like 6:40 at night. STrange to see the postal person driving down the street in the dark.


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