Saturday, July 26

Out of the wilderness

Guess I haven't updated in a while. I apologize. Nothing really that exciting been going on. The DVD player got jammed and Lynn has taken it up to Love TV Sales & Service in Bridgeton, Missouri. WE are all getting ready to head up North for Pioneer days again. We missed last year because of a friend's wedding and are excited about this year. Lynn and Nate will be heading up early to go prepare and I'll be riding up with Mr. Dave on Wednesday night.

We've been getting a little more rain here lately. We never got anything planted in the front flower area in front of the porch so I'm trying to grow a little grass. It wasn't the same seed that I used for the back yard (I grew up pretty fine, but some of it got a little scorched with the heat, hopefully it will come back).

We went to PWYC last night at Grace. Only about 12 people showed up. Made the group kind of nice to all sit with. Summer's seem to mess up everybody's schedule. We are learning people's names though.

Well, I need to go. I'm taking Nate out yard saleing this morning to give Lynn some free time, then I have friends coming over tonight.


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