Saturday, January 28

Review: H.S.A.'s

No, not Health Saving Accounts.... Husband Sitting Area's.   WEnt with Lynn to the mall today cause she was shopping for shirts.  Here's my findings:
  1. Eddie Bauer - Not just a women's store, so there is no HSA, although there are some normal chairs in the back for you to sit in.
  2. Famous - No chairs here either.
  3. J. Jill. had some chairs, nothing extravegant.
  4. Coldwater Creek.  had some nice leather chairs, but they were already taken up by some ladies, so I had to sit on the shoe bench.   had nice chairs, no magazines though.
  5. Christopher & Banks - didnt' think they had a place until I found a chair put in a corner with three mirrored walls?   Not excactly a good place to sit.
  6. Peas in a Pod and etc.  - this was a three stores in one place, it actually had a decent area, with love seat and two oversized chairs.   Reading material was restricted to "rizty" travel magazines..   Yeah, like I'm ever going there....
well, that is all for now.   Lynn is craving pizza tonight so I thought we might try out Fortel's Pizza Den.  Also trying to rebuild my old computer.  thougth I might use it as a good backup util and a gaming machine.  try to keep the new one kind of cleaned up...

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