Wednesday, April 5

toe head

Lynn keeps calling Nate a Toe Head, so I had to look up what that exactly means.  so I looked it up:

Main Entry: tow
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tow- spinning; akin to Old Norse tO tuft of wool for spinning, Old English tawian to prepare for use -- more at TAW
Date: 14th century
1 : short or broken fiber (as of flax, hemp, or synthetic material) that is used especially for yarn, twine, or stuffing
2 a : yarn or cloth made of tow b : a loose essentially untwisted strand of synthetic fibers

Main Entry: tow·head
Pronunciation: 'tO-"hed
Function: noun
Date: 1829
1 : a low alluvial island or shoal in a river : SANDBAR
2 : a head of hair resembling tow especially in being flaxen or tousled; also : a person having such a head of hair
- tow·head·ed /-"he-d&d/ adjective

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