Tuesday, August 29


Well, today I had to estimate a project that one of our users would like to have done. Basically, it would take the trading system and ripping it's spine out. One of the hard things about working on a legacy system like that that it's built on some assumptions and basic principles that we can't really change easily. This one turns out to cost over $100,000 and will take a year and a half to work out. But then again, that was with the 2 sentence requirement that I was given. I think we could do some things piecemeal for them and make it come to them a little easier.

I got to watch Nate for a little while last night while Lynn went to the library. we went for a long walk so we could exhaust out Jackson. He didn't want to do much afterwards.

Kind of cooler today. Lynn has opened up the house.

I've been pretty regular to the gym in the last week and a half. I've set my cell phone on the bed side table to alarm at 5:50 A.M. every morning. Thing is, I don't get out of bed until 6:20 usually. oh well. I've reviewed my Getting Stronger by Bill Pearl book for some more structured workouts. I will need to copy them down and take them with me. Yesterday I did an inclined situp and my abs are really aching today. Will need to really work them, strengthen them up. Bill makes a point in the book that for white collar workers, we need good abs cause we sit all day. apparently your spine is pretty good support for the back part of your body, so you need those abs to strenghten the rest of you.

No pictures of nate today. I just heard the Rap Cat commercial on tv in the background. I find it hilarious....


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