Monday, January 1

2007 New Years Resolutions

Okay, Don't normally do these kind of things but heard on Dave Ramsey about doing goals and he gave the following areas that we all need to concentrate on Career, Financial, Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Family & Social. So I thought I would try my hand at listing some of my goals/visions for 2007. I just came up with this list in 10-15 minutes but I have been thinking about these things for a while.
There is probably more, but for now, here is the list:


1. Keep on chugging with what I am doing at Jones. I am going to be working on a big project at Jones this year which will challenge me with my J2EE knowledge. Hopefully I will get it accomplished okay for the implementation date they have set for August 2007.
2. I have a Annual Review in April. Don't expect any big change from that, but hoping that after it happens, I can really kick in with some real work to try for next year to get some big kudos.
3. Mentoring has been one of my bosses biggest goals for me this year. I will attempt to train/guide some co-workers into some of the J2EE technologies.


1. Refinance the house into a 15 year fixed term mortgage. This will set us to get our house paid for in 2022. I am hoping to have it paid off quicker, perhaps in 10 years.
2. Get on a budget that will work. We've not worked within an budget since we've been married. Pretty much just worked off a "you can spend about ths much".
3. Save up for another car. 2000 Dodge Caravan or 1999 Ford Taurus..... It's a race to see which might conk out first. I'm thinking that whichever goes first, we'll probably just get another mini-van, cause that is what we need the most around here (although I keep hearing that I need a nicer car, but I really don't have to impress anyone at work).


1. Find a spiritual mentor. Find a man to be a guide and lead/direct me with spiritual priniciples. I can probably find a guy within my men's ministry at church.
2. Find a place where God can use me. Could be anywhere, but I'm kind of picky on what I will do (I am kind of hung up on the commitment thing). Prayer that I can give that over to God and find something that fits our busy lives.
3. Deepen spiritual relationship with Lynn. This includes being a better spiritual leader in the household. This weighs a little bit more on me everyday when I realize that Nate's little mind of mush needs to be molded/sculpted. I just hope I do it the right way....


1. Lose 40 lbs by the end of the year. May be unrealistic with this, but will try to get this down. Would help me feel a lot better about myself physically and all. Will be achieved via goal 2 below.
2. Go to the "Y" at least 5 times a week. This should be easy to do.


1. Read a non-fiction book every month. Would like to concentrate on people in history. Funny one is that I would like to read about the Bill Clinton Presidency. Lynn asked me a while back about him, you know that everybody thinks he was a scoundrel, but he must have done something good with his presidency. I'll find out what. People I would like to read about
2. Do more Suduko. Lynn and Sandy both gave me Suduko books for Christmas. I've been doing one a night since. I think I have it figured out, but this will help keep my mind sharper.
3. Relearn Calculus. I love math, and just for fun, I would like to go back through my old Calculus book and relearn some of the things I've forgotten/"never understood in the first place". I have come to appreciate the fact that I think after a couple years of cooling off and not have academic pressure on you, concepts and ideas come to you more naturally. We'll see how that all goes.


1. Spend at least an hour with Lynn every weeknight doing something one-on-one. We've been doing this pretty semi-regularly so I would hope to get it more regularly. I will shoot for 3 out of 5 nights. This would be something like playing games, sitting and talking, but NO T.V. Maybe getting a movie from Blockbuster would be okay.
2. Be a great Dad for Nate. Spending quality time with him everyday. Giving him plenty of hugs and lots and lots of pat-a-cake. Also read him books (not much reading right now, he likes to look a the pictures).
3. Be a better dog owner for Jackson. I think he's manaic depressive right now. Hope that I can spend more time with him also to get him a little more perkier.


1. Do at least one night a month out with a guy friend. This can be pretty much anybody. I don't have real good guy-to-guy friendships right now.
2. Bond with a couple from our church Sunday School class. This can be a couple that we can call on a Saturday to come over for a movie night or something.
3. The above will require me to come out of my shell a little bit more also.

I guess I will let you all know next year how I did...


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