Wednesday, May 30

What a handful!

Wow! Nate is becoming quite the handful. Tonight, I was tasked with grilling a pork loin along with watching Nate. It was next to impossible. I don't multitask very well. It's kind of hard to keep him away from a hot grill and to keep him entertained AND have him within your sites all at the same time.

We had a good time tonight though, we went on another bike ride while the pork loin cooked. It came out okay, just a little pink in the middle, but Nate loved it. Couldn't get enough.

I'm officially ringless again. Co-worker had another one show up on his desk, but I thought it the honerable thing to do to give to a co-worker that's been looking for one for his brother. He was happy to see it.

I've taken a step up with my role in the project since another of my co-workers is off in India for 2 1/2 weeks. It will be a little stressful as we get the application finely tuned to run correctly for implementation.

Well, not much else to say.


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