Friday, February 15

Funeral Preperations

My sister had to put down her Vietenamese Pot belly pig yesterday. He was having issues with his abdomen so it was decided to best put him down. she picked him up today and will be taking him back to the farm to bury.

I'm home alone with Nate right now. Lynn is up helping her family move to Springfield, IL. It's been a slow morning. My sis is coming by and we are all going to go to CiCi's for lunch. Nate love's the place. At least I still think he does. He used to Say "Cici's, Aunt Maimee". It was cute. He'll love it though. I think I have a coupon also so we can make it REALLY cheap to go.

Hoping that my eBay auctions will produce a little jink this time around. Already have $85 in bids. That's only on 8 items. One auction is the ceramic light switch covers that came for Lynn's parent's house. it has a bid for $5.50 right now, and has about 6 people watching it. Cool! Lynn told that it isn't my money though. 8(.

oh well.

Gotta get Nate ready for when Aunt Amy gets here...


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