Sunday, February 10

Ragamuffin Speaker

My friend Bruce shared this video with me. It is from Brennan Manning, author of the Ragamuffin Gospel and other works.

Basically, it talks about our view of God, that we sometimes make God to small, casting him in our own image. I'm guilty of that, as I'm sure other people are also. This was a good video, recommend it if you can watch it..

Had another good day with the family. Nate has been extremely needy lately. Wants to play with us all the time. he either wants to watch christmas snoopy, play trains or "Chase you". I try to oblige as much as possible, but sometimes, I just need my me-time. (are you allowed that as a parent?).

Here's a pic I took during lunch. Nate had Oatmeal for the second time today. Notice that Lynn puts the bib on. I didn't this morning and he had oatmeal all over the front of his jammy bottoms. Unfortunately, that meant there were clumps of oatmeal on the kitchen floor also. Good thing we have Jackson!

NAtePlaying Feb 10 001

If you noticed my new look, it's because the old one was cutting off the pictures that I am pulling from flickr. I thought this might show them a little better. It's a little plain, but I hope with some of my knowledge of HTML and such, I can dress it up.


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