Tonight, I tried out a new Bible Study that is being offered at a church nearby our house, Grace church of St. Louis. The study is for Men only and is called Dinner & the Word. Turned out there was no dinner, because of a logistical mistake, but I had had a snack before hand.
I was a good group. Everybody is older then me, mostly in their 40s and 60s. Good group of men though. They personify the Christian Brotherhood. I told Lynn that I am quite excited to get into this group. It just seemed with other groups I got in with, it was kind of sterile and the people in the group just seemed a little too perfect. These guys shared real issues. Couple of them are divorced, but are seeking God's will in their life. I was humbled by them. I hope that by attending study with them, I can be challenged in my Christian walk.
This is every other week also, so it isn't a HUGE time commitment, but I will need to arrange with Lynn cause I think it may conflict with her girl's night out in the future.
IN other news, I'm starting vacation tomorrow, for one day, and I have the whole next week off. Lynn has already made a list of things to get done (suprisingly, it isn't a honey do list), it's things she wants to get done herself, so I seem myself as entertaining Nate for most of the days. I have a few ideas we can do, Zoo, Transportation Museum and such. He'll love it.
One of our items is rearranging the basement to be more kid friendly for Nate, come Winter he'll need a more open play area, which the basement can easily accomodate (blogger said I misspelled that... strange).
I've got my own thoughts. I need to clean the gutter on the garage and check out the ones on the back of the house. May take off the protective coverings, their a pain and I don't think they work that great anyways. At least in the front, easier to hang the Christmas lists. Heck, maybe I'll just hang the Christmas lights now. It's still 60 degrees. Lynn won't go for that though. Guy in the entrance to the subdivision has lights up already, and turned on. Thought they may be Halloween lights, but they aren't orange......
Well, need to start getting ready for tomorrow. I need to head to the Dodge Dealership and talk to them about a couple of recalls on the van. Today, the airbag light is staying on and also the heater elements in the seats can cause a fire. We've gotten notices on both in the past, just never bothered to get them fixed. Thinking now just need to stick it to them while we can, since they provided us with such a quality product... kidding....